Archives | Leonard Jack 1970-1971
Leonard Jack was sometimes affectionately referred to as the Wee Man yet he was such a big man at Dunfermline Athletic. He was a character, a man of tremendous vitality, verve and dynamism.
He was also incredibly kind and generous, yet, on occasion, he could be very hard, and if this was to make some, seemingly hurtful decision, you can be sure he had the benefit of the majority in mind and would not flinch from it, such was his stature.
Generous as he was in material things, he gave of in this more than he gave to himself, particularly where his beloved Oars were concerned. Here was no man seeking personal aggrandisement from football as one sometimes heard said of the administrative side of the game. Leonard was the complete opposite of this. Certainly he enjoyed to the full any reflected glory that the team`s success may have brought along but then no one had more right to it.
He certainly had no illusions about the problems involved in keeping a provincial club to the fore and constantly strove to find the answer. It was not surprising, therefore, that he should be largely responsible for getting the clubs youth system off the ground for he saw in it a solution to the problem.
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