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There are a number of ways you can help the Trust.
- Let us know of any item of memorabilia you have that is connected with Dunfermline Athletic FC. If it is donated or loaned to the Trust we would give you full acknowledgement in any public display.
- Let us know your views and ideas to improve what we are doing to preserve and display the heritage of Dunfermline Athletic FC.
- Donate to the Trust to help our work. Send us a cheque (payable to "Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust") or make an online payment to The Trust`s bank account at
Sort code - 82-62-19
Account- 00515515
Please mark the payment "DONATION".
Join our team of volunteers. We are always looking for people with an interest in the history of the Pars who can offer a little time to help with research or data input, or to help us exhibit the objects in our collection.
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