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Scott Y Thomson
Date of Birth: 08-11-1966
Position: Goalkeeper
Joined: 09-09-2000
Appearances: 14
Substitute Appearances: 0
Goals: 0
Nationality: Scottish
Previous Clubs: Dundee United, Forfar Athletic, Raith Rovers, Hull City, Airdrieonians
Subsequent Clubs: Brechin City

Scott Yuill Thomson was signed as a reserve goalkeeper in July 2000 for the clubs assault on the Premier League. He played in 15 matches over the next two seasons when Marco Ruitenbeek was indisposed or in cup competitions.

Scott got his first coaching job at the club while still registered as a player. He has worked as a Goalkeeping coach at Dundee United, Hibernian and Ross County since leaving Dunfermline.

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