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Kane Ritchie-Hosler
Date of Birth: 13-09-2002
Position: Midfielder
Joined: 30-09-2022
Substitute Appearances:
Nationality: English
Previous Clubs: Manchester City, Rangers, Clyde (on loan)
Subsequent Clubs:

A member of the League One title winning team in season 2022-2023 while on loan from Rangers.

At the end of September 20 year-old Kane Ritchie-Hosler joined on loan from Rangers, initially until January 2023.

The English wide man started his career at Manchester City. He was at City for ten years from the age of six before moving to Rangers. His time there has included a loan spell at Clyde. Kane feels that he has really improved since coming north under coaches Kevin Thomson, David McCallum and Brian Gilmour and hopes to get first team football at Dunfermline.

Kane was an ever present in the Rangers B team in season 2021/22. He made his Dunfermline debut coming on as a second half substitute in the cinch League One match at home to Peterhead on 1st October 2022.

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